Blogger Secret Santa: George at Asda Christmas Gift Finder

I don't know if you noticed, but it seems that Christmas is a comin'! I know that may come as a surprise to most of you (the ones of you who live under a rock or at least try to at this time of year) but yes, it's that time of year where a bearded old man empties his sack all over your living room floor, drinks your brandy, eats your mince pies and then leaves (behave!).

Anyway, Christmas wouldn't be the same without a bit of anonymous gift giving and I was lucky enough to be asked to take part in a very special bloggers Secret Santa with George at Asda. 

Once I received the name of the person I was playing Santa for I scoured all of their social media and stalked them to death (well not quite they are definitely still alive but you know what I mean)! I'm still anxiously awaiting their verdict on the gifts that I selected for them but until then here's a little peek at the lovely items I received...

From fabulous fashion accessories to cosy home wares my Santa did pretty good! Now the weather is getting really chilly what better way then to spend winter evenings snuggled up in this lovely Woodland Throw and Hot Water Bottle whilst sipping tea from my kitschy letter 'N' mug.

George has a fabulous range of Chrimbo gifts to suit pretty much everyone on your naughty or nice list and with their Gift Finder even the most stumped of shoppers should be able to find something to make their loved (or loathed) ones smile!

Check out the #GeorgeSecretSanta hashtag on Twitter to get some Christmas gift inspo from all the other bloggers whom took part! 

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