Falling In LVLove With Food Again: Food & Lifestyle

Just to start, this is not a 'healthy eating' or preachy 'diet' post; it is however a post about
how I've fallen in love with food again and having new gadgets to play with in my kitchen to create new meals is always a win.

I've been trying to eat a bit more mindfully and incorporate a lot more fruit and veg into my daily diet as I've found the extra energy it gives me and the boost to my skin, hair and nails is fantastic but I am a notoriously lazy eater. I will eat the same meal over and over again until I'm so bored of it I'll never touch it again, so being able to change the way I get fresh fruit and vegetables into my meals is great. 

I'm by no means the worlds greatest cook and I don't have a lot of patience for recipes but I do like to find something I like the sound of in a recipe book and wing it in my own little way. When I received this spiralizer and recipe book I was thrilled as I had been dying to have a go at courgette noodles for so long! 

I had a nosy through the book and thought I'd attempt the 'Sundried Tomato & Basil 'Pasta'. Now as I said above, I'm not great with recipes so to be honest I used it as a guide to make my own spin on it and I was pretty impressed with the end result!

I ended up with a bed of lovely, crunchy, courgette noodles that I tossed in my own spicy sundried pasta sauce which I bloody well enjoyed! I even had left overs to box up and throw in the fridge (I live off left overs). Definitely a nice way to get a lot more goodness into my meals and so quick and easy! There's a few yummy thai recipes that I'm interested to try now too, inspired!

So, what do you think to spiralizers? Do you have one? If you have any recipes for me to try please post them in the comments section, I'd love to have a nosy! Also what do you think of me posting more lifestyle type posts? Food? Eating out? Going out?  Etc? I get up to quite a bit and I don't share it, let me know if you'd like to hear more about my random day to day stuff!

*I promptly ate a whole tub of Ben & Jerry's frozen yoghurt after this (oh and this was also a gifted item <3

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