Take Me Back: Stuff I've Been Up To

It's Saturday afternoon...

...I've just got home from work and I'm sat in a hoody and my jeans watching Come Dine With Me with a cuppa tea. This is a stark contrast compared to what I was up to this time last weekend *sigh*.

I headed up to  Manchester early last Saturday afternoon for a bit of a blogger get together. The day was planned by Steph of Seeing Spots and was to consist of shopping, yummy food and cocktails!!! I didn't make it along for the shopping for two reasons, firstly the girls were going early and I needed a lie in after a very busy first week back at work and secondly I'm a bit piss poor at the moment so I'd have just been too tempted to bend the plastic, so I arrived just in time for the food and cocktails (typical Naomi!)!

I met up with the girls in a lovely quirky place in Manchester's Northern Quarter called Home Sweet Home. A place filled with scrummy burgers, tasty milkshakes and the first thing I clapped my greedy eyes on when I walked into the place, AMAZING CAKE!

Look at the yumminess! *omnomnomnom*

After cake time we strolled along to Tiger Tiger a popular cocktail bar located at The Printworks in Manchester's city where Debz had also arranged for us to get involved in a cocktail making class (can't say no to that!). 

Our fabulous host!

We were greeted by a fabulous fella who's name escapes me as I ended up so sozzled I can only remember his nickname, The Milky Bar Kid! We were plied with muchos alcohol (well who doesn't start an afternoon with Sex On The Beach *wink wink*) and the giggles began!
Gemma and Easy-E! Cocktail ninja's!

Endless shots were drunk, I ensured I emptied every cocktail glass going and we were even set free behind the bar to tackle the task ourselves (dangerous!). Competitive cocktail challenges and a few woozy heads later and we all ended up full of high spirits (literally). This isn't the first time I've been to Tiger Tiger Manchester and it won't be the last, if you're looking for a good, cheesey, girly night out then definitely pop along to this place. Also if you get in touch with them beforehand they'll be sure to make your night a special one!

I had a lovely time and even got to meet some new faces like the gorgeous Nicola of Chunky Cat Cuddler, go check out her awesome style and cool jewellery range!! Massive thanks to Tiger Tiger for having us and to all the girls for a fab day! 

Oh and probably my fave pic of the day...

Can I go back to last Saturday please?

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