Making it Work: Boohoo Plus

Afternoon My Loves!

So you may or may not have heard but Boohoo has released a plus size range, Boohoo Plus and it's burst onto the plus size fashion scene with some serious impact.

When the brand contacted me recently and asked if I would be interested in trying out an item from them I was at first dubious. As the range only caters to UK sizes 16-24 my first reaction was to reluctantly decline as I just didn't believe any of their items would fit my size 30 frame; however upon checking out the collection I was determined that I would make a piece if it work. 

I've always been incredibly envious of those bloggers who always seem to manage to make something a few sizes to small for them look amazing so with their voices echoing in the back of my head 'make it work, make it work' I thought I'd give it a try. When looking through the collection I noticed a lot of the items are stretch jersey, and when I clapped eyes on the Nicky Floral Sweatshirt I was hopeful I could make the size 24 fit me and still look good.
I went for a casual look and pulled the sweater on over the top of an old New Look Inspire maxi dress, threw on my Converse and popped on a bit of Primark statement bling. As we're on the very edge of letting go of winter and chilly sunshine is creeping it's way in I thought the maxi dress/sweater combo would be a perfect mix for early spring.

 Nicky Floral Sweatshirt - c/o Boohoo Plus
Black Dress - New Look Inspire (old)
Studded Converse - Converse via ASOS
Necklace - Primark

Yes the sweater is a couple of sizes too small but it's definitely workable and wearable so it's nice to know that there are items in the new range that will work for you if you're a larger fatty like me. I never ever thought I'd see the day when Boohoo did plus size so when this was released there was no way I was going to allow myself to miss out. Here's hoping that the range goes from strength to strength and one day the size range gets extended (we can only hope!). 

So, if you're curious about the range I suggest checking it out and maybe giving something a cheeky go and seeing if it works for you too!

Let me know if you do...


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