London Wandering: OOTD

Evenin' my loves!

Did you all have awesome bank holiday weekends? I hope so! I ended up with a little trip to the beach and then struck with dreaded toothache, but that's another story!

I just thought I'd post what is potentially my most favourite outfit at the moment. I originally posted about this camouflage military jacket from Simply Be back in February in this post here. I must admit, when I first received the jacket I didn't think I'd end up wearing it much, although I'm well into comfy and casual at the moment I was concerned it was a little too masculine for my usual tastes. Funnily enough though, it's become one of those items that I just haven't stopped wearing. 

After the So Fabulous Event last Wednesday night, I spent Thursday in my comfy camo clad outfit having a wander around London, I popped into Evans Marble Arch and spied this awesome monochrome shirt...

I also had a nosy in New Look, perved over some cute items, including this really sweet playsuit...

Enjoyed a spot of people watching whilst munching donuts and slurping on Starbucks...

Oh and indulged in some obligatory changing room shots of said camo outfit...

Military Print Jacket - Simply Be
Grey T-Shirt Dress - New Look Inspire
Leggings - New Look Inspire
White Pumps - New Look
Multi Row Necklace - Primark
Cat Eye Sunglasses - Domino Dollhouse

I look like a right prat don't I? Haha! Couldn't help myself though! Apart from looking like a loser, the outfit isn't too bad, surely? White pumps are my favourite bit of footwear at present, I keep meaning to invest in some white Converse but just haven't got round to it as yet, my bank account doesn't permit such frivolities, boooooo!

The moral of this story? None really, I just love this jacket, alot, hoping someone will come out with a sequinned version like the one I clocked on Phoebe in Made In Chelsea last night! Plus size retailers out there, DO IT!

I'll be back to blog about my beach fun and Twisted Siren in a couple of days, I also have LOADS of items to review for you! 


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