The Plus Size Work Wear Challenge: Week 5 'Freestyle'

Evenin' lovies!

This is my last and final entry to The Plus Size Work Wear Challenge which I devised a short while ago in order to create some work wear inspiration for myself. It's been a pleasure having some gorgeous blogger babes on board and seeing how we all took different themes and played with new ideas. If you're new to this, check out my post here to catch up with what it's all about and find the other gorge girls who took part!

This last challenge is titled 'Freestyle' which basically meant mix it up however you like! Friday's are dress down day in my office so I could literally play with pretty much whatever I liked. 

I had this gorgeous polka dot blazer from Simply Be recently and I've been desperate to get it off the hanger! I teamed it with my favourite Evans jeggings, a basic white tee from H&M+ and some little red ballet flats and here I am...

 Polka Dot Blazer - £31 Simply Be
White T-Shirt - £7.99 H&M+
Indigo Jeggings - £25 Evans
Red Bow Flats - New Look

18th Century Romance Ring - £8 Cheap Frills

I also got to wear this really pretty ring which I won from Cheap Frills in their Valentines Day Competition!

I have to say, I've really enjoyed giving this little challenge a go, it's definitely inspired me to blog more and I've had so much fun playing with all the stuff in my wardrobe. 

Anyway I'm off now but I thought I'd leave you with a little picture round up of all my outfits during the challenge, I hope you've enjoyed following it...


P.S Don't forget the Twitter hashtag #PSWorkWear

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