Underneath my clothes.......Gok Wan for Simply Yours

Hola lovelies!

First of all I have to say OMG I MADE IT TO 300 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!! Thanks all for coming along and peeking at my little space (no rude puns please)! I write this blog as a hobby and out of love and passion for us plus sized girlies and the acceptance I so strive for us all to have, not only that but in all honesty I just like to ramble and this space is ideal, so thanks for listening guys! 

So, underneath my clothes aye? *WINK, WINK, NUDGE NUDGE*  Don't worry, there won't be any lingerie clad pics of me on here, no matter how comfortable I am with my body I'll leave all that malarkey to the likes of Caroline and Georgina whom do the whole 'hanging around the internet in your undies' far better than I ever could, and quite frankly, I don't fancy spotting myself on some 'let's take the piss out of the fat chicks' internet viral!

Simply Yours sent me some lovely undies from their most recent collaboration with Mr Wan, well actually I chose the undies, I'd have loved to have tried one of the bra's but unfortunately the range doesn't cater for my 46G boobies just yet, (fingers crossed?!)

I received the 'High Waisted Briefs' in a marvelous, fifties polka dot, pin-up inspired retro print. They are deliciously silky and soft to wear, wash amazingly well and I have to say for the £14 price tag they are very well made and worth the purchase.

There is also another reason I went for these, if you haven't read the write up on the product description you wouldn't know this just from the pictures but, they come with detachable suspenders!!!!! Yes! I can't tell you how difficult it is to get suspenders for us girlies at the larger end of plus size, believe me I've looked and it is very difficult! Now, I haven't had chance to give these a whirl with stockings just yet but I am definitely planning on it ;) 

Psst I'm wearing mine under this dress ;)

Right, I'm off for some beauty sleep, I'm off for a nosey at the new Clements & Ribeiro range at Evans HQ tomorrow! Can't wait to tell you all about it!


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